Happy Burfday lily! Syukur alhamdullilah dah besar anak mama. You are such a feisty 4 year old darling. Hilang sudah all your 'baby chubbyness' !! You are now more 'girly girl' and 'songeh' pun boleh tahan jugak heheh.
We are not doing anything fancy to celebrate your birthday..just bawak pegi 'burfday brunch' kat luar together with Achu & Pakchu. Mula2 decided to go to Paparich then last minute decisions pegi Sakura Kristal, Jusco AU2 area. Tahun lepas request Cake Superman (heheh) and this year ...nak Cake Dora and any girlie stuff or Dora things for presents.
At the restaurant lepas makan...the staff helped us bring out the cake and siap nyanyi birthday song to Lily and you were so... 'shy-shy cat' laa pulak sampai takmo potong cake heheh. Achu & Pakchu bagi present Dora's Plush Toy that you like so much and was grinning from ear to ear sampai balik rumah, Mama bagi waterbottle & pencil case Dora utk pakai kat sekolah. Papa gave you 'zyngo game' so that you can share and play with your two big brothers and Adly & Dd gave you a sticker sheet gambo princess eventhough they got RM17.00 in their pockets hehehe.
Next day on Monday...lily bawak partypacks that contained Disney stickers sheets, cubic puzzle, chocolates, kids wrist cartoon straps and football club button badges to school and a short note from mama mintak tolong teacher distribute kat kawan2 sebab mama tak larat nak gi school (heheh).