Aug 21, 2007

Sinchan Aficionados

Crayon Sin Chan or Kureyon Shinchan is a Japanese manga and anime series written by Yoshito Usui. The title is commonly translated as either "Crayon Shin Chan" or "Crayon Shin-Chan" and is sold worldwide. The series follows the antics of five-year-old Shinnosuke Nohara and his parents, neighbors, friends, dog and many others. The series is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. It is called "Crayon Shin-chan" because "crayon" signifies the fact that Shin-chan goes to kindergarten, and that the unique coloration makes it appear as if the characters are drawn with crayons. "Shin-chan" is the affectionate name for the main character. Recently there was a special Shin-Chan team-up with the 2007 Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Den-O, which featured the Den-O cast animated.- source Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia

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