May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day...without a mom

Mother's day without a mom -the title just says it all with how I feel around this day.

My darling mom passed away in 2001 (about 8 years ago) after battling with cancer and she was only 52.

Mother's day and my Birthday are the roughest one for me as our birthdays were only a day apart from my mom. It just tears me apart. I put on a happy face for my children on Mother's day but I have to take a moment by myself to have a cry, to be alone flipping thru' my mom's photos and only God knows how I feel... I miss her so much and wish to hug her even it is just for a moment in my dreams.

All these years later and I still cry like a baby ...

I know that my children noticed my puffy eyes the whole day today and I just cover it up by saying that I am soo...overwhelmed with happiness. They must think that I am crazy for crying over a handmade card till Dd said something like," Apasal Mama nangis? Ohhh! Dd tahu mesti sebab..cantik sangat and Mama terkejut sebab kita gantung kat pintu bilik...bukan kat fridge. Yelaa tuh lagie laa Mama rasa mau nangiss !! Hugs to everyone who's mom is no longer with you...this goes to Kak Sal in Klang, Kak Zam in Milan, Ju in KL, Let us remember our beloved arwah with Al-Fatihah. I know you will be reflecting on so many things - a lifetime of memories. I know you will feel sadness but I hope there is also happiness, calm and peace in your life right now di samping keluarga tersayang serta anak-anak.

1 comment:

life-muses said...

Happy Mother's Day to you. Cheer up ya.. I was just thinking about your mum, dad and our aunties yesterday morning..


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