Sep 30, 2011

Kiddoes n frenz

I noticed that I didn't update any raya peektures.  I was so lazy lerr heheh but somehow I managed to crop some of the kids peektures that I downloaded from my mobile phone last month.  The kids had their' first- time' inviting friends over for raya..itupun dah nak habis raya.  We didn't do any 'open house' this year because we spent most of our raya days in PD and this year 2011 was more fun and memorable sebab their cousins from States able to come home for raya holidays and alhamdullilah most of all dapat puasa sama-sama kat Malaysia.  All kids puasa penuh except Didi yg tinggal for 3 days sebab lelah..Dd invited his friends waktu habis sekolah on Friday afternoon. One of the parents dropped the kids off at our house and came back to pick-up the kids...3 hours later.  Yg peningnya..Dd did not informed the bus driver (Auntie Selv*) that he is coming home with Ali's Dad and Auntie Selv* hampir panicked sebab she waited for Dd hampir 1 jam and I heard her voice frantically calling me on her mobile "Ayooyoohhh..saya tunggu ini sudaaa lamaa...ini Didi tak tauuu mana diaa sudaaa pigii..." cam nak nanges dah Auntie bus dia.. Then I told her not to worry he probably forgotten to inform you about his plan today.  Sampai kat rumah..apalagii tanya Dd kenapa tak inform awal-awal? Then tahu apa dia cakap.".hmmm..sepatutnya kita semua jalan kaki..tapie sebab Ayah Ali dah datang..nak hantar ke Dd pun ikut laa sebab tu tak sempat nak informed Auntie..Hishh! Dd being Dd he will decide and plan his way..Nak buat makan2 for his kengkawan sekolah ini pun dah informed mama 4 days in advance and siap bagitahu dapat lah prepare earlier..the roasted chicken, the chocolate cakes and chicken pie.  Bukannyer ramai pun depa 3 orang jerr..
Tapie kalau Adly..memang suker last minute..!! Tengah Mlm Jumaat baru beritahu.."Maaa..kawan Adly nak datang raya tapie besok! Pukul 8:00 PAGI!! Whatt??? pukul 8:00 PAGI?? Mana nak sempat...mama pun blum mandikan baby lagi and buat benda2 lain..nak pergi kedai lagiii..ishhh..abang niih.  Can u call yr fren & postponed tengahari ker? Mmm Tak boleh takde nombor telephone.  Alaa..takper..makan biskut jer..yeahh rite!! Adly punyer planning..memang all his friends four of them came at 8.00 AM Sharp!! Haper lagii...Mama goreng Magii Mee goreng..hentam jer laa labu..saper suruh bagitahu mama last minute hehehe..

Sep 27, 2011

Company's Family Day 2011

Last saturday kompeni tempat papa kerja buat family day kat Sri Permaisuri Park.  The two boys pulak almost tak dapat pergi sebab demam hari sebelumnya.
Demam carik pasal sebab dua hari berturut-turut main bola dalam hujan.  Dd sampai kena  pergi 'neubilizer' kat clinic sebab kena asthmatic hingga muntah-muntah and sakit dada.  Pening and I was worried sick dibuatnya..sebab the two boys memang degil..bila pesan okay jer tapie..jap lagi..truss hilang..pegi padang.  Mula-mula dah decide tak pegi biar papa jer pegi sebab ada tugas tapie biler tahu ada coloring contest truss Dd boleh baik demam that nite.
 Pepagi lagi at 8.00 am dah ready nak ikut papa.  Adly nak masuk some of the games tapie had umur lebih...sumer games untuk kids under 12 years so dia tolong jaga his two adiks sebab mama & baby tak pegi.  Didi gigih 'mengaler' walaupun ada skett pening2.  It was a wonderful surprise sebab he emerged as the winner in the colouring contest. He won a trophy and RM100 Jusco Voucher plus goodies bag. 
The voucher was well spent on art items at Jusco..and he gave 10 bucks to Adly & Lily to buy whatever they want.
Adly bought a set of pen and Lily beli pencilbox.  Itupun member contemplating between toys and stationeries department after Adly bagi suggestions kat Dd. Dekat 1/2 jam finally Dd decided okay laa stationeries dept laa sebab kalau beli toys kang..terbeli toys remote control car for Abang! kang abang jer yg dok main..  Beli stationeries boley share2 sama-sama.  Good thinkin' Dd!

DIY moustache & lips on a stick for a photobooth

This DIY moustache & lips on stick was an in-thing props for photobooth. Read more and find more about how to make one *here*
This is so cute...we make some of these props for
 Myra's burfday. So kewl!

Sep 25, 2011

pink plushies

patterned LO papers~brusheezy-flower mats & stripes by Marie Stoner of
ribbons~monos world of ribbons (freebies)
Kawaii rabbit clipart (freebies)
buttons~lite blue by Rhonna Ferrer (freebies)
Colour Button Embellishment~chouk77grandefolie

raindrops keeps fallin on my head...

April Shower Kits~Marie Stones of

a lift u

B.J. Thomas - Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head lyrics

Sep 17, 2011


Digi LO~Shabby Princess Sweet Serenity Kit

How to be A Happy Mom (By Heather Ann Johnson)

Stumbled this interesting article in my google reader and found many more wonderful write-ups from this writer (Heather) on parenting tips.  Here's the link to her blog "familyvolley"

Since the beginning of time, all of mankind has had something in common, we want to be happy. I know I want to be happy. My greatest happiness and joy comes from my family. Receiving awards, recognition, money, doesn’t compare to the feelings I have when our daughter learned to ride her bike without training wheels or when I saw the smile on our son’s face when he worked side by side with his dad on his pinewood derby car. But, if I am not careful, the stress of taking care of others and managing family life overshadows the happy and leaves me sad and miserable. It doesn’t have to be this way. This plan of family life is meant to be a happy plan.

Here are 8 things that Happy Moms have in common.
1. Happy Moms Avoid Comparisons As mothers and women we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. If we want to be happy, we have to stop. We are usually comparing our weaknesses and shortcoming to someone else’s strengths. It is not a fair comparison. And, when we compare, we foster feelings of jealousy and envy. Those feelings will make us miserable. There will always be someone skinnier, with a cleaner house and with kids that seem more behaved. Always. SO what…comparing will not make us skinner, or our house cleaner. Don’t waste energy on comparing. It is the same with our children. Don’t compare our kids to others. When we do, we miss all the magic that is in each of our own children. We overlook how wonderful and unique they are. And we put unfair pressure on them. When we find ourselves longing for someone else’s life, sit down with a piece of paper and pen and start listing all the things you are thankful for. List all the blessings in your life. When you feel yourself starting to compare again, get out the paper and re-read all that you are thankful for. We will quickly realize how blessed we really are. The other thing we can do to stop the comparing is to serve others. Serving others brings humility and helps us recognize our many blessings. Lastly, we have to be careful with social media. It is easy to read about all the recipes and refinished furniture and beautifully sewn cloths and feel inadequate. Just because we don’t do all those things, doesn’t mean we are less. Nor should we compare ourselves to all the “ideal” posts we read.
2. Happy Moms Recognize Their Worth. There comes a time when we have to accept ourselves, as is. We need to love ourselves. Instead of wondering what we are good for, we need to know that our role is THE most important role. We are raising and influencing future generations. We are primarily responsible for nurturing little human beings. It doesn’t get more important than that. Even if we don’t have children of our own, there is nothing that compares to a women’s loving influence. Take a minute and write down all the things that you are good at. Don’t be shy, write them down. Maybe you are a good friend, patient, a talented seamstress, or creative. Own them, find strength in your strengths and use them to help others. The sooner we can recognize our true worth, the happier we will be.
3. Happy Moms Choose Good Friends. We are quick to preach this to our children, but do we realize how important it is for us. We need to surround ourselves with people who lift us up, who believe in us, and who support us. Avoid relationships that are one sided and draining. We want friends who don’t compare, who revel in our successes and who believe in lifting others up, not putting others down. That is also the type of friend we want to be for others.
4. Happy Moms Have Faith and Pray The act of being faithful, in and of itself raises our spirits and gives us hope. Hope is happy and healing. Couple that hope with prayer and the sun will shine happy rays. :) Even on the worst of days, having faith that we are trying our best and that tomorrow will be better, can help us feel happy today. Prayer can help us lead happier lives also. It gives us a chance to express gratitude and ask for help. When we pray, be specific. Yesterday I prayed that I could be more creative with our 3 year old. Lately she has wanted me to play zoo, and make animal sounds. Sometimes that is hard for me, so I asked for help. Pray for more time with your family, pray for stamina to get through a long day. Sometimes my prayers are that I can get through the next 15 minutes. Happy moms have faith. For me, faith helps because I know that I am never alone.
5. Happy Moms Make Time For Themselves As mothers and women, we tend to take care of ourselves last. I have caught myself more than once saying “when the kids are older then I will have time for….”. We need to stop thinking like that. We should find some time for ourselves to cultivate our gifts and interests. Pick one or two things that you would like to learn to do that will enrich your life, and make time for them. It is not selfish.
6. Happy Moms Simplify We need to clean up and clear out. Take a look at your schedule and make sure it is not too full. Don’t over schedule our kids, or ourselves. Juggling a million things doesn’t make us better moms with cooler kids. It just stresses us out. We are not happy when we are stressed. Our kids only need one or two extra activities, same with us as moms. We should simplify our homes also. Too many clothes and toys in our homes and cars add stress. It can become overwhelming to manage so much stuff. Simplify. Cut down to what is manageable and spend less time keeping up with all the stuff, and more time with those you love, doing things you want to do and being happy.
7. Happy Moms Stop Worrying I am very guilty of this. I am a worrier. It causes stress, and then I am not happy. It will take practice, but think about it this way: If you can’t change it or control it, then there is no need to worry about it. Instead think about what you can control and put your efforts there. The other thing we can do to stop worrying is to turn off the news. I watch the news filled with all the negative and horrible and I worry more.
8. Happy Moms Smile and Laugh Smiling and laughing naturally brings happiness. Let your face light up and let out a giggle. In fact, smile at someone else and watch their face light up. We can get so rushed and serious that we forget to be happy. So even if you have to force it at first, smile.

beautiful sundae!

myra's face lit-up in an instant and she was all smiles  and looked eager sebab nampak papa tengah bawak chocolate n vanilla sundae cone McD. Mmm..yummeh!

Clean Enough or Dirty Enough, That is the Question...

"Make Your Home Clean Enough to be Healthy and Dirty Enough To Be Happy..-author unknown"

Sep 15, 2011

play days at the park!

clouds cliparts-jw illustrations
Kawaii tree cliparts
ribbons-caratula bows

smurfin' around..

bday gurl day out!

snuggle pie~hugs n kisses

mini mushroom chicken pie

I did not baked these chicken pie from scratch heheh.  I use the pampas frozen filo sheets.  I only prepare the fillings.  Fillings pun guna campbell mushroom soup.  Masak balik pekat2 add in pre-cooked minced chicken, 
cendawan butang, frozen mix vege and that's yummylicious..sangat mengenyangkan.. Makan 2 pieces of pie dah cukup for dinner..

dessert cendol with durian yumm!

scrapbooking set-urban kiwi

baking mode..ON!

baked all these cuppies and fruit tartles for my SIL's daughter...Majlis khatam Al-Quran.  I arranged the candy buffets and desserts spreads.  Habis within seconds.  Tapi alhamdullilah sib baik sempat pack for the Tok Iman and his family.


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