Sep 30, 2011

Kiddoes n frenz

I noticed that I didn't update any raya peektures.  I was so lazy lerr heheh but somehow I managed to crop some of the kids peektures that I downloaded from my mobile phone last month.  The kids had their' first- time' inviting friends over for raya..itupun dah nak habis raya.  We didn't do any 'open house' this year because we spent most of our raya days in PD and this year 2011 was more fun and memorable sebab their cousins from States able to come home for raya holidays and alhamdullilah most of all dapat puasa sama-sama kat Malaysia.  All kids puasa penuh except Didi yg tinggal for 3 days sebab lelah..Dd invited his friends waktu habis sekolah on Friday afternoon. One of the parents dropped the kids off at our house and came back to pick-up the kids...3 hours later.  Yg peningnya..Dd did not informed the bus driver (Auntie Selv*) that he is coming home with Ali's Dad and Auntie Selv* hampir panicked sebab she waited for Dd hampir 1 jam and I heard her voice frantically calling me on her mobile "Ayooyoohhh..saya tunggu ini sudaaa lamaa...ini Didi tak tauuu mana diaa sudaaa pigii..." cam nak nanges dah Auntie bus dia.. Then I told her not to worry he probably forgotten to inform you about his plan today.  Sampai kat rumah..apalagii tanya Dd kenapa tak inform awal-awal? Then tahu apa dia cakap.".hmmm..sepatutnya kita semua jalan kaki..tapie sebab Ayah Ali dah datang..nak hantar ke Dd pun ikut laa sebab tu tak sempat nak informed Auntie..Hishh! Dd being Dd he will decide and plan his way..Nak buat makan2 for his kengkawan sekolah ini pun dah informed mama 4 days in advance and siap bagitahu dapat lah prepare earlier..the roasted chicken, the chocolate cakes and chicken pie.  Bukannyer ramai pun depa 3 orang jerr..
Tapie kalau Adly..memang suker last minute..!! Tengah Mlm Jumaat baru beritahu.."Maaa..kawan Adly nak datang raya tapie besok! Pukul 8:00 PAGI!! Whatt??? pukul 8:00 PAGI?? Mana nak sempat...mama pun blum mandikan baby lagi and buat benda2 lain..nak pergi kedai lagiii..ishhh..abang niih.  Can u call yr fren & postponed tengahari ker? Mmm Tak boleh takde nombor telephone.  Alaa..takper..makan biskut jer..yeahh rite!! Adly punyer planning..memang all his friends four of them came at 8.00 AM Sharp!! Haper lagii...Mama goreng Magii Mee goreng..hentam jer laa labu..saper suruh bagitahu mama last minute hehehe..

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