Dec 1, 2011

bluekeys dat is!

Ngehngehh.. I am so pleased of myself sebab I just discovered that this Bluekey Pau Flour bukan saja boleh buat pau tapie at the same time I could make donuts and pizza bun out of it.
Mula2 beli 1 box and I thought hmm..from breakfast till dinner laa..we gonna stuff ourselves with kuih pau heheh...masa tengah uli2 tuh tiba2 an idea struck me..from the same dough..why not I tried to make somethin out of it? Then I tried buat turned out so nice, kenyal, lembut and padat! exactly macam donut2 yg jual kat gerai..then lewat petang I baked mini pizza buns. Tapie..gula tuh kena kurangkan lagii..tak boleh sama sukatan macam buat from one main ingredient you can actually get 3 types of different kueh from just one batch of dough. Jadi...takdelaa we all overstuffed ourselves with just PAU that day heheh...

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