Nov 29, 2006

Abang Dd and his dino fascination

Why Abg Dd like dinosaurs so much?
Sebabb...badan dia besar, kulit dia hijau laa, kuning laa, cokelet laa..ada suka makan sayur, ada suka makan daging laa..

Yang suka makan daging tuu jahat! Ada dinosor macam whale laa, crocodile laa, cam rhino laah. Tahu? ke tak? Dd paling suka tyrex kepala panjang. My abang Dd is so crazy over dinosaurs. Everyday he would do sketches on dino habis papa punye A4 paper kat rumah and drive everyone in the house crazy by asking opinion of his sketches which one is the biggest, tallest, meanest, longest, wildest..grrr...if the answers not to his liking or you've pointed out wrongly, be prepared of his tantrum!

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