Sep 18, 2007

Want some cookies??

Tiba-tiba terasa pulak nak buat cookies. Google punyer google terjumpa this cute  cute cookies. It is actually a butter cookies.

So we baked these cookies on one of the weekend.
Seronott giler heheh..mula2 Adly & Dd sangat beriya2 then after a while mulaa laah main2. Adly got bored with the koalala he came up with an idea nak buat muka girl & boy last-last they ended up some koalas got cross-eyed, the boys face ended up looking like an old boys and the girls ended up looking like old ladies..hehe

Buat benda2 cam nih kena sabor banyak2 sebab boys nih mula laa buat lawak2 and then things got pretty messy elok2 buat faces bulat-bulat tetiba ended jadik dinosaur laa, snake laa, dragon laa then haa jadik berterabur tepung laa, koko crunch laa lepas tu bantaii gelak masing2 punyer kerja tangan and lagik skett mama tak ended up jadikk mak tarzan ^___^mata saya dah juling2 bila muka adik dia dah penuh dengan tepung and her hair terlekat koko krunch and M& M's sebab itu laa mama only baked cookies once a year hahah (alasan!).
Abg Dd brought his koalas & gurlzz cookies as a snack & it was a hit at school! We shall make these again in a few months time yeaa anak-anak! LOL!
p/s: oh here's the link to the recipe.

1 comment:

life-muses said...

such cuties...too sayang to eat it leh...make sure you kiddos leave some for me to try ahh...


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