Apr 23, 2008

life is sweets! yumm!

Today we are thrilled because we received chocolategourmand that we absolutely loves and we are not embarrased to say that we are a chocolatenerd that's why we take photos and chocablog about it. It was really a candyyumyum and it was not from a candystranger but from our dear aunt eta in milwaukee. She was kind, generous and definitely know which chocolates that kids would like best and she can become a candycritic too (he he he). Being a candyaddict is not good but it is no harm to get sugar up once in a while *grin* Well Forest Gump's Momma once said "Life was like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get!" Well...we also wish we could have a candyblogstudio like this! he he he.

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