Apr 20, 2008

Selamat Hari Wilayah!

Adly depan Policeman's Superbike
& the newly open food outlet called santai cafe
on federal territory day
Wahh..cuti lagi..this time cuti hari Federal Territory Day.  Best jugak dudok kat Federal Territory nih..sebab City never sleeps heheh..Malam lepas Isyak..Tokwan suruh keluar walk on on foot ambik angin from our house till stadium bolasepak sebab nak suruh Adly tengok fireworks and motor peronda police.  Tokwan kelakar..sebab he always tell adly kalau..abang tak buat school work and ponteng...the police will come and take you with them..Didi pulak jenis suka nanges kuat2 tantrum..Achu nicknamed him "mat jiwa rapuh" hamboii and Tokwan cakap ada old man kat luar sana yang dok menunggu dia every time dia buat perangai..tantrum. In the end tak jadik laa Dd nak keluar and terpaksa laa Tokwan stay at home and here we are...having a nice glimpse of the fireworks show and enjoy being KL-lites and experiencing the hustle bustle of city...in our neighbourhood..

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