Apr 16, 2009

Sieh~Sieh Pah!


Our Opah & Tokwan just got back from their second time vacation in China. With her.. she brought back some bling-bling women accessories. Yeahh... jades, pearls and some fashion accessories. Jades ada yang expensive and ada yang jauh lebih murah macam harga Burmese Jade yg jual kat Malaysia.
Only girls get souveniers and the boys dapat chocolates beli kat airport hehehe.
Lily dapat jade pendant & necklace plus bling-bling shoes warna silver that she wears everyday now dlm rumah sambil jalan ala2 gaya cat walk Abang-abang tengok geleng-geleng kepala heheh. Mak aihh berkilat2 silau mata.

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