Known as Crayon Sin Chan by all the Uncles & Aunties, Artistic, Nature Boy, Sensitive, Independent, Animal Lover, Very Crafty, Crayons Fanatic, Hate Karaoke, Sweet Tooth, Determined, Pernah Nak lari rumah sebab kena marah *aduh!, Selamba,
Rajin Kemas rumah especially on the sweeping part pergi rumah orang pun mesti sibuk nak menyapu, Love all kinds of prehistoric animals, Love books on animals,Mat Smart pergi balik sekolah still wangi and rambut yang dah di-gel still intact tak macam abang pergi sekolah fresh balik rumah looked like he had fallen into a drain somewhere tu belum case kasut hilang, kasut kena sorok, buku jatuh belakang almari, pencil box tak bawak and yang most ridiculous kasut hilang sebelah sebab terjatuh dari atas bas boleh? etc..
Happy Birthday, little man. Mama & Papa love you more than we could ever express in words.