Apr 22, 2011

Apple Raisins Tart!

red apples ada byk kat dlm fridge..yg suka makan apples only lily & dd. The rest kurang gemar tapie kalau potong habih jer. Adly kalau makan apples atau apa2 buah cam tuu mesti cicah dengan kuah rojak. Since byk lagi apples..we baked this simple apple raisins tart for afternoon tea utk makan, Recipe asal from Chef Anuar tapi sebab hazelnut takde stock we substitute it with almond nibbed and almond ground.  The taste is still yummy, soft, milky & moist.. Here are the recipe. Try laa..gerenti jadik! Hari ini mama a bit rajin so..that's why I attached the recipe here..for my future reference..hehehe.

sedikit minyak masak (corn oil)
1 cmb serbuk kacang hazel (we use almond ground)
1 biji epal merah, dihiris
150gm butter
190gm castor sugar
5 biji kuning telur
31gm tepung serbaguna *
8gm serbuk penaik* ayak together
100ml fresh milk
70gm raisins
50gm gel fix apricot

1. dabbed/ greased some corn oil to your baking tin & then tabur all the ground nuts  
    after that baru susun all your hirisan apples. Ketepikan sekejap.   
2. Putarkan butter bersama gula. Masukkan sebiji demi sebiji kuning telur. 
    I added 1tsp vanilla essence (*optional)
3. Masukkan tepung yg berayak bersama serbuk penaik.
4. Masukkan susu dan putar sehingga sebati, akhir sekali masukkan raisins.
5. Then pour the batter on the apples tadi, ratakan dan bakar for 30 mins at 170 degree celsius. Keluarkan dari tin..sapukan gel fix apricot on the cake surface bila dah sejuk.

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