Oct 8, 2011

our li'll joyeaux anniversaire together...

Thank you, Allah, for giving me another year of life.
Thank you for all the people who remembered me today
by sending digital cards, gifts and good wishes.

Thank you for all the experience of this past year;
for times of success which will always be happy memories,
for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you,
for times of joy when the sun was shining,
for times of sadness which drove me to you.

Forgive me
for the hours I wasted,
for the chances I failed to take,
for the opportunities I missed this past year.
Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet,
and through it to bring good credit to myself,
happiness and pride to my loved ones,
and joy to you.  Amiin...

(excerpts from beliefnet.com)


life-muses said...

ooh come on you got yourself an angry bird cake? hahahaha.... and those toppers looks so familiar LOL!

Unknown said...

yeahh their dad n kiddoes got me the angry bird cake..i think angry chickenn more suitable laah hehe..yeap those lovely toppers are from life-muses... nice kann? tengkiuu aah..now i'm using the topper to dress up my kueh..hehe


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