Oct 18, 2011

Pre-school Annual Concert 2011

This year kakak danced a dangdut disco number at her annual preschool concert 2011.  The concert was held on Saturday .....at IYC Hall.  The concert was amazing because we got to see different costume outfits each year and kudos to the principals and teachers for doing such an amazing job.  Yang paling best..biler little tots age 3 years old  graced the concert opening with their modern dance aww... tersangat laa adorable ...then bila dah habis..the parents are allowed to get their kids. Suka hati whether..nak tunggu till habis atau nak bawak kids balik truss..of course sebab they are only 3 years old karang kalau lama2 kang takut menjerit tapie surprisingly..Myra who is barely 2 years old tunggu concert kakak sampai habis..she's such a good girl.

 Masa belum dapat baju concert,  I was hoping Lily got to dance a 'bhangra' dance sebab teacher Kiren is an excellent dance choreographer..plus girls outfit tersangatt laa nicee!! only Abang Adly had a chance to perform a bhangra dance sebab masa tu class teacher dia was Ms Kiren.  Dd pulak masa tuu..performed chinese dance and did a Mandarin poem recital in groups. Kalau dapat English Modern Dance pun okay jugak sebab outfit dia pun beautiful..ala2 princess so gorgeous with the overflowing skirts and beautiful accessories.
 Masa Lily bawak balik concert costume dia...abang2 dah gelak sakan daah..they kept on teasing her..apasal baju cam baru turun from spaceship? Yg unique nyer bila pakaii baju gold nih..ada bunyi2 sikitt due to the strands of beads yang berjurai2 banyak kat shoulder and at the hem of the skirt.  Good job Kakak! Well done..we are so proud of you.  This year...Mama was so thankful & relief sebab you are okay and seemed to have fun on stage, no more feeling of nauseas and butterflies knot in the stomach hehe.

*little dancin' divas on stage*

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